Modern Slavery Statement / 2019
This statement is made to cover the requirements of section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 for slavery and human trafficking for the financial year ended 31 March 2019.
It covers Binatone Electronics International Limited (Binatone) and its wholly-owned subsidiaries which procure goods and services related to our Products sold under the Binatone Electronics Brands or brands under licence in the United Kingdom.
Our Organisation
Binatone is a leading provider of IoT connected innovative consumer electronics and lifestyle products for a broad range of applications with focus on “Emotional Home” including baby nursery and family connectivity at home and on the move. Its products are sold under world-leading brands such as Motorola, AEG, Binatone and iDECT. For over 60 years, Binatone maintains its position as a key player in the consumer electronics industry by offering innovative products and solutions.
Binatone Electronics International plc has around 2000 staff most of whom are based in the United Kingdom, Europe, North America and Hong Kong. Our staff are largely directly employed and are not in any category which is generally seen to be vulnerable to modern slavery in this country, so our focus is to ensure there are policies and procedures in place for our contractors and suppliers.
Our Supply Chain
Binatone is committed to continuously improving its practices to identify and eliminate any slavery and human trafficking in its business and supply chains, and to acting ethically and with integrity in all its business relationships.
Binatone uses a wide range of suppliers who supply components, goods for sale, provide software services and support our business operations.
Binatone has a number of policies which aim to minimise the risk of modern slavery in our supply chain. These include:
Working with Suppliers and Partners Policy which sets out internal requirements for buying goods and services;
Responsible Procurement Policy covering issues of human rights, child and forced labour and modern slavery, which Binatone suppliers are required to comply with
Policy which encourages staff to report concerns including any related to
modern slavery/trafficking and child or forced labour.
Due Diligence
We continue to monitor suppliers we believe present high modern slavery risks in our supply chain. This includes those who support the procurement of goods and materials for our products and particularly where those goods and materials are acquired from suppliers in high risk countries.
All suppliers which we class as high risk must:
complete our Modern Slavery Act Due Diligence Questionnaire which covers their governance, policies, training and supply chain management processes; and
on an annual basis and prior to sourcing, provide full detail of the supply chains they are proposing to commission goods from on behalf of Binatone
Binatone is responsible for assessing the information submitted by suppliers where necessary Binatone will take appropriate action and in certain circumstances may terminate a contract with a supplier around a suppliers policies to its workers
During the year, we will develop advice and guidance to those teams who have direct responsibility for relevant supply chains and our Procurement team has participated in further modern slavery training. We also will develop and maintain a Modern Slavery Act Guidance document which is available to staff
Looking Ahead
Over the course of the next financial year we will continue to enhance our procedures to help us identify, prevent and mitigate any risks of modern slavery or human trafficking in relation to new and existing suppliers. Binatone are looking to become a member of both Supplier Ethical Data Exchange (SEDEX) and Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI). These are membership schemes which assist companies to assess and map risks in their supply chains. The SEDEX and BSCI platforms allow Binatone to access audited information uploaded by suppliers, giving us a better insight into their supply chains.
This statement has been formally approved by the Directors of Binatone International Electronics Limited and signed on their behalf by: